Proudly continuing the rich legacy of the Chair-man Mills portfolio of brands

For everything under the tent go to

Structures that withstand the coldest temperatures

When providing shelter and safety in terrible weather conditions, our snow-loaded structures meet the demands of rough terrain and extreme climates. All are custom-built to keep your team comfortable and protected regardless of heavy snow or icy conditions.

Industrial Structures Snow Loaded 1

Contact Us today and we’ll get started right away!

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Trust the cold weather experts

Our extensive experience with winter snow and extreme cold makes us the perfect partner for winter projects. Our snow-loaded structures are reliable in the most arctic conditions, and we provide heating, lighting, and many other accessories {words as link to Industrial Accessories Page} to ensure excellent working conditions.

Our partners specialize in making winter workable

We have many well-established relationships with partners that you may need to complete your winter project. Our mission is to save you money, time, and resources by ensuring that you can work through the worst weather.

We keep your team safe by meeting all North American building code requirements

Rest assured that your team will work in the safest conditions. Our snow-loaded structures are assembled to ensure quality control and safety while meeting all North American building code requirements.

Complete your Snowloaded Structures with additional options

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A glimpse of last week! 🤍🚴‍♂️

We provided our 25m x 35m Clearspan Tent, along with additional smaller tents, for the @JDRF_Canada Ride to Defeat Diabetes! It was an honour to be part of this incredible event.

The JDRF Ride unites teams from across corporate Canada in the fight against type 1 diabetes, fostering camaraderie and determination every step (or pedal) of the way. 🌟
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